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My most asked social media question: "Noe, what is your hashtag strategy?"

In the nearly four years I've been doing digital marketing, the number one question I get asked is, "Noe, what is your hashtag strategy?" And, no matter how many times I 1) show this video 2) send my strategy sheet...I STILL get asked this question to this day. Here's my hashtag tip sheet.

There has been discussion over whether or not Instagram is "shadow banning" accounts that use all thirty hashtags in the first comment vs. using ten in the caption. I've been doing both, and I personally haven't seen too much of a difference.

When I hear people say they have a hard time with hashtags, it really shouldn't take up to much of your time. Follow the cheat sheet, and you'll have your hashtags quickly. You can also save them in your notes after searching the tag-o-matic app. I would recommend changing a couple tags here and there.

I hope this helps because I can attest that I grew a following my thousands using this strategy.

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